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Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera LLRF
Advancements in X-band technology at the TEX facility at INFN-LNF (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera Photon
Beam diagnostics status for Korea 4GSR project (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera Hadron
Concluding the operation and development of COSY (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera Spark ERXR / ERPT
Implementing Bunch-by-Bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera LLRF
Machine protection system for TEX facility (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera Current Meter
Prototype control system for the Low Energy Branch ion beamline (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera LLRF
RF Power Station stabilization techniques and measurements at LNF-INFN (IPAC 2024)
Particle Accelerators
Conference paper
Libera Brilliance+
Libera Spark EL
GDX Module