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Current status of the manufacturing and testing of the BPM Electronics for Elettra 2.0
This paper presents the collaboration between Instrumentation Technologies and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste in developing BPM electronics for ELETTRA 2.0. Elettra developed the the concept design and firmware, while Instrumentation Technologies was responsible for industrialization of the product. They manufactured and tested to ensure that all units reached the wanted criteria. With this approach they ensured the reliability and long term stability of the instrument.
Advancements in X-band technology at the TEX facility at INFN-LNF (IPAC 2024)
In the article is well described about advancements in X-band technology at the TEX facility at INFN-LNF, also supporting EuPRAXIA for a high gradient X-band linear accelerator. Our Libera LLRF system ensures precise generation and monitoring of X-band RF signals which are critical for reliable component testing and structure development.
Beam diagnostics status for Korea 4GSR project (IPAC 2024)
In this article is described the development for the Korea 4GSR project designed for ultra-low emittance and beam stability. The product Libera Photon current integrator is used for photon beam position monitoring, supporting precise diagnostics for hard X-ray beams and also contributing to beam stability and efficiency.
Concluding the operation and development of COSY (IPAC 2024)
In the article is reviewed the final operation and development of the COSY synchrotron, emphasizing its contributions to hadron physics and the FAIR project. Our Libera Hadron enhanced beam diagnostics and control with precise turn-by-turn and bunch-by-bunch monitoring, supporting advanced research and system upgrades.
Implementing Bunch-by-Bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron (IPAC 2024)
The article discusses the implementation of bunch-by-bunch diagnostics at the KARA booster synchrotron to analyze non-equilibrium dynamics and resolved parameters. Libera Spark ERXR devices are utilized for turn-by-turn diagnostics, providing high-resolution data critical for the development of advanced diagnostic methods transferable to the cSTART storage ring project.
Machine protection system for TEX facility (IPAC 2024)
This article describes the development of a Machine Protection System for the TEX facility, ensuring safety, reliability and efficiency in monitoring critical system such as RF and vacuum components. Libera Low-Level RF systems play a key role by generating precise RF pulses and integrating interlock detection.
Prototype control system for the Low Energy Branch ion beamline (IPAC 2024)
The paper presents the development of a prototype control system for the Low Energy Branch ion beamline at the Jožef Stefan Institute. Libera Current Meter by Instrumentation Technologies is integrated into the system for precise ion current measurements, supporting real-time data acquisition and control.
RF Power Station stabilization techniques and measurements at LNF-INFN (IPAC 2024)
The article reviews RF power stabilization techniques at LNF-INFN with a focus to improve phase and amplitude stability for advanced accelerator systems. Libera LLRF systems produced by Instrumentation Technologies were utilized in the TEX facility to achieve precise RF control and stability, also demonstrating significant contributions to timing and synchronization improvements critical for applications like EuPRAXIA.