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Programming Interfaces for Reconfigurable Instruments…PCAPAC2010, Canada
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by the manufacturers of the instruments for the accelerators are a very important part of the functionality. There are many interface standards (EPICS, TINE, Tango,...) and even same standard can be used in various ways.
Libera Single Pass H measurements and testing at CIEMAT
Initial measurements and verification of the unit performance were conducted in the laboratory at Instrumentation technologies. The measurements were performed under various conditions, at different RF frequencies and signal levels.
Libera Single Pass H Evaluation Measurements at ESS
The aim of the document is to describe the measurements performed at the European Spallation Source (ESS) with Libera Single Pass H, an instrument intended for phase, position and charge monitoring in hadron and heavy ion LINACs.
Simplified Instrument/Application Development and System Integration Using Libera BASE SW Framework…ICALEPCS11, France
Development of many appliances used in scientific environment forces us to face similar challenges, often executed repeatedly. One has to design or integrate hardware components. Support for network and other communications standards needs to be established.
Light proton therapy LINAC LLRF system development (LINAC’18, Beijing, China)
Proton cancer therapy is a state-of-the-art medical treatment technique based on an accelerator beam production facility.
Evaluation of Libera Single Pass H for ESS Linac (IBIC 2014, Monterey, USA)
The Beam Position Monitor system of the ESS linac will include in total more than 140 BPM detectors of different sizes and types. The BPM system also needs to work successfully under offoptimal conditions, ex. with a de-bunched beam, or with the current and pulse width being as low as 6 mA and 10 ms respectively.
Programming Interfaces for Reconfigurable Instruments…PCAPAC2010, Canada
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by the manufacturers of the instruments for the accelerators are a very important part of the functionality. There are many interface standards (EPICS, TINE, Tango,...) and even same standard can be used in various ways.
Soleil FOFB System
All the processing of the FOFB was done in the LIBERA FPGA, on top of the position calculation provided by Instrumentation Technologies