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Photon BPM Electronics Development at Taiwan Light Source…DIPAC2011, Germany
Photon Beam Position Measurements by Libera Photon Using Copper Blade Sensors at SOLEIL Synchrotron…BIW10, US
Light proton therapy LINAC LLRF system development (LINAC’18, Beijing, China)
Proton cancer therapy is a state-of-the-art medical treatment technique based on an accelerator beam production facility. The LIGHT linear accelerator design by AVO-ADAM offers a modular compact solution for precise control of the treatment dose delivery, both position and energy wise.
Photon BPM Electronics Development at Taiwan Light Source…DIPAC2011, Germany
Photon BPMs are very useful for photon beam position measurement and stability observation. There are several kinds of photon BPMs and electronics with different design installed at beamline front-ends at Taiwan Light Source.
Influence of environment changes on Libera Sync 3 long-term stability (FEL 2015, Daejaon, S. Korea)
Libera Sync 3 is intended to be used as a reference clock transfer system in the latest fourth generation light sources where the required long-term stability is in the range of a few tens of femtoseconds of drift per day.
Test results of the Libera Sync 3 CW Reference Clock Transfer System (IPAC’14, Dresden, Germany)
The new Libera Sync 3 CW reference clock transfer system has been specifically designed to meet the strict requirements of the latest fourth generation light sources such as the Swiss FEL .
Next Generation CW Reference Clock Transfer System with Femtosecond Stability (NA-PAC13, Pasadena, USA)
Present and future fourth generation light sources, such as the Swiss FEL, are placing strict requirements on current CW reference clock transfer systems. Both the added jitter and the long-term stability criteria need to be in the range of a few femtoseconds. In order to meet these requirements, the existing Libera Sync CW transfer system has been redesigned.
Compact Single Pass BPM (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
Monitoring and subsequent optimization of linacs and beam transfers requires specific instrumentation for beam position data acquisition and processing.