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Light proton therapy LINAC LLRF system development (LINAC’18, Beijing, China)
Proton cancer therapy is a state-of-the-art medical treatment technique based on an accelerator beam production facility. The LIGHT linear accelerator design by AVO-ADAM offers a modular compact solution for precise control of the treatment dose delivery, both position and energy wise.
3 BPM Study at PAL ITF (LINAC14, Geneva, Switzerland)
A “3-BPM-study” was done with 3 Libera Single Pass E BPM modules that were connected to the 3 equidistantly positioned stripline sensors. The aim of the test was to measure the performances of the Libera Single Pass E devices with beam conditions similar to the real pal XFEL machine.
New Digital BPM Electronics for Single Pass Applications (European XFEL Users’ Meeting, Hamburg, Germany)
Monitoring and subsequent optimization of electron Linacs and transfer lines requires specific beam position data acquisition and processing. Libera Single Pass E is an instrument intended for position and charge monitoring in basic and multi-mode operation LINACs.
Libera Hadron RHIC tests report
The Libera Hadron system is implemented on a uTCA based 19“ 2U platform chassis. The chassis can populate up to 4 BPM modules in order to acquire simultaneously the position from 8 BPM planes. The instrument consists of a high performance stabilized RF front-end and state-of-the-art analog to digital converters.
Libera Hadron SPS CERN demonstration report
The Libera Hadron system is implemented on a uTCA based 19“ 2U platform chassis. The chassis can populate up to 4 BPM modules in order to acquire simultaneously the position from 8 BPM planes.
Beam Position Monitor for Circular Proton Accellerators (IPAC’16, Busan, S. Korea)
Position monitoring, tune calculation and subsequent optimization of hadron circular accelerators require specific instrumentation. Libera Hadron is the newly developed instrument intended for data acquisition and post processing of signals from shoe-box or button type pickups.
Light proton therapy LINAC LLRF system development (LINAC’18, Beijing, China)
Proton cancer therapy is a state-of-the-art medical treatment technique based on an accelerator beam production facility. The LIGHT linear accelerator design by AVO-ADAM offers a modular compact solution for precise control of the treatment dose delivery, both position and energy wise.
Hadron BPM for the FAIR project (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
Instrumentation Technologies will develop and deliver a beam diagnostic system for SIS-100, HESR and CR rings. Furthermore the beam transfers will be equipped with the beam position diagnostics.