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Programming Interfaces for Reconfigurable Instruments…PCAPAC2010, Canada
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by the manufacturers of the instruments for the accelerators are a very important part of the functionality. There are many interface standards (EPICS, TINE, Tango,...) and even same standard can be used in various ways.
Commissioning results of the new BPM electronics of the ESRF booster synchrotron* (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
The 75 BPM stations of the Booster Synchrotron of the ESRF have been equipped with new RF electronics from December 2014. This new BPM system is based on the commercial Libera Spark system and now provides beam position data at various output rates, and with a possible time resolution even below that of the orbit-turn time
Commissioning results of the new BPM electronics of the ESRF booster synchrotron* (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
The 75 BPM stations of the Booster Synchrotron of the ESRF have been equipped with new RF electronics from December 2014. This new BPM system is based on the commercial Libera Spark system and now provides beam position data at various output rates, and with a possible time resolution even below that of the orbit-turn time
Commissioning results of the new BPM electronics of the ESRF booster synchrotron* (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
The 75 BPM stations of the Booster Synchrotron of the ESRF have been equipped with new RF electronics from December 2014. This new BPM system is based on the commercial Libera Spark system and now provides beam position data at various output rates, and with a possible time resolution even below that of the orbit-turn time
Commissioning results of the new BPM electronics of the ESRF booster synchrotron* (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
The 75 BPM stations of the Booster Synchrotron of the ESRF have been equipped with new RF electronics from December 2014. This new BPM system is based on the commercial Libera Spark system and now provides beam position data at various output rates, and with a possible time resolution even below that of the orbit-turn time
Spark EL Single Pass BPM (FEL 2015, Daejaon, S. Korea)
Monitoring and subsequent optimization of the electron linacs and beam transfers requires specific instrumentation for beam position data acquisition and processing. Spark EL is the newly developed prototype intended for position monitoring in single or multi bunch operation linacs and transfer lines.
Testing at TLS
First beam tests of Libera Brilliance+ were done at Taiwan Light Source storage ring, which is fully equipped with Libera Brilliance instruments.
Simplified Instrument/Application Development and System Integration Using Libera BASE SW Framework…ICALEPCS11, France
Development of many appliances used in scientific environment forces us to face similar challenges, often executed repeatedly. One has to design or integrate hardware components. Support for network and other communications standards needs to be established.