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A MTCA based BPM-system for PETRA IV
This contribution summarizes the results from first beam measurements at PETRA III done with BPM system developed by Instrumentation Technologies in collaboration with DESY. The System is MTCA.4 based on an RTM board - Libera 2BPMRTM.
Digital LLRF system development and implementation at the APS LINAC (LINAC 2022)
Paper, presented at LINAC 2022, describing technical aspects of Libera LLRF system developed by Instrumentation Technologies for the APS upgrade project.
First Beam-Based test of fast closed orbit feedback system at GSI SIS18
First beam-based test of fast closed orbit feedback system at GSI SIS18 using Libera Hadron with GDX and SER modules for precise beam control and diagnostics.
Current status of the HESR Beam instrumentation
Overview of beam instrumentation purchased for the HESR at FAIR, including Libera Hadron, highlighting current progress in equipping the storage ring for beam diagnostics.
Turn-by-turn position measurements at CNAO with the Libera Spark HR
Paper comparing turn-by-turn position measurements between Libera Spark HR and CNAO's internally developed electronics.
Preliminary test of XBPM local feedback in TPS
Paper presented at IBIC 2019, describing preliminary test of XBPM local feedback at TPS comparing using Photon shows improved photon beam stability and versatile data flow options for analysis.
Design and test of beam diagnostics equipment for the FAIR proton linac
Performance of the Libera Single Pass H, a Linac BPM, used for beam diagnostics and measured at the FAIR proton Linac.
Stability test with Pilot-Tone based Elettra BPM RF front-end and Libera Electronics
Stability test of Pilot-Tone BPM RF front-end using Libera Spark for high-precision beam position monitoring at Elettra.