Libera Hadron

Libera Hadron is a BPM signal processing system developed especially for the needs of the hadron synchrotrons. It can be used for position measurement, tune measurement, and detailed beam studies.

Product Description


  • Deep memory buffers for offline studies
  • High-resolution bunch-by-bunch position and charge measurements
  • High resolution bunch-by-bunch arrival time measurements
  • Slow data: high resolution beam position measurements and 10 Hz rate streaming towards the control system
  • Fast data: high resolution beam position measurements and 10 kHz rate streaming on a dedicated output for fast feedback purposes
  • Possibility of implementing low-latency multi-bunch instability feedback systems

Data processing:

The complete processing of data and its storage in buffers are initiated by the external trigger event signal. The data is stored in two 2 GB buffers which can be read out on the user’s request. Through real time signal processing algorithms, the system automatically detects individual bunches, measures the transversal positions at high resolution, the charge and the arrival time. The measurements can be organized in bunch maps in order to provide a global representation of the beam dynamics over long periods of time. Both Slow data and Fast data are available for the implementation of low latency feedback systems.


Three standalone algorithms are implemented to support different types of pickup signal:

  • Bunch-by-bunch for Shoe box sensors: a bunch detection algorithm with a baseline restorer for processing unipolar signals
  • Bunch-by-bunch for capacitive sensors: a bunch detection algorithm for processing bipolar pulses
  • Narrow band analysis: superheterodyne SDR receiver for processing bunch signals at extremely low bunch charges

Libera Hadron provides six basic data paths (raw ADC data, Bunch-by-bunch, FFT, FFT peak, Fast data and Slow data). GbE (optional) Fast data is available over SFP on the GDX using the GbE protocol. Fast data and Slow data are stream type and can be delivered to the user simultaneously: Fast data at 10 kHz and Slow data at 10 Hz. All the other data paths are data on demand type.


The hardware is based on MTCA standards, with a proprietary chassis, which accommodates up to four full-width and two half-width modules. It includes a high performance back-plane which satisfies even the most demanding applications. In addition there is a platform management controller and a COMe module which both support different CPU options.

Libera Hadron Performance
ParameterTypical value (RMS)
Bunch-by-bunch data< 1 um
Fast data< 100 nm
Libera Hadron Parameters
Number of input channels16 (4 per module)
ADC resolution16 bits
Max ADC sampling clock frequency250 MHz
Memory size per module4 Gbytes

Contact us

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

GDX Module

The GDX module extends the interconnection capabilities of the BPM electronics.

Libera Hadron
Clear filters
Concluding the operation and development of COSY (IPAC 2024)
First Beam-Based test of fast closed orbit feedback system at GSI SIS18
Current status of the HESR Beam instrumentation
Libera Hadron RHIC tests report
Libera Hadron SPS CERN demonstration report
Beam Position Monitor for Circular Proton Accellerators (IPAC’16, Busan, S. Korea)
Light proton therapy LINAC LLRF system development (LINAC’18, Beijing, China)
Hadron BPM for the FAIR project (IPAC’15, Richmond, VA, USA)
Programming Interfaces for Reconfigurable Instruments…PCAPAC2010, Canada
Kees Scheidt
Diagnostics Head (ESRF, Grenoble)

On our Booster beam, we collected much data and features, that we could not measure or even detect before.

Engineering Executive
NDA locked

The prototyping and development Instrumentation Technologies has provided for our team has been exceptional.

Libera Hadron is used at the following labs:

  • BEPC II, ADS, CSNS, HEPS – Institute of High Energy (IHEP), China
  • Haerbin – Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP-CAS), China
  • J-PARC– The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization-KEK, Japan
  • KHIMA – Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (KIRAMS), Southe Korea
  • NICA – Joint institute for nuclear research (JINR), Russia
  • SIS 18, SIS 100, FAIR – Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH-GSI, Germany
  • Tsinghua University – Tsinghua University, China
  • Zion – Chinan Biomedical Technology BIOTECH, Taiwan